Ponce De Leon Avenue is one of several dividing lines that represent segregation between neighborhoods in Atlanta.
ATLANTA — Atlanta is often described as a “Tale of Two Cities.”
It has the highest income inequality in the country, with a massive racial wealth gap between Black and white families.
As a cultural epicenter, Atlanta is often viewed as a hub for entrepreneurship, innovation and creative endeavors. Despite the city’s growth, there are still invisible barriers present that serve as subtle reminders of the past.
Historically, roadways and their names were used as invisible walls to segregate communities and slow integration in concerted effort to create two Atlantas. Segregation using roadways as a tool has a more than century-long history in the city.
The Ashley Ordinanceof 1913, named for 4th Ward City Councilman Claude L. Ashley, was a racial zoning ordinance that tried to legally restrict where Black people could live in Atlanta. The Georgia Supreme Court would rule …