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The Symbiotic Relationship of Politics and Policing: Exploring Legal Foundations, Policy Influences, and Community Engagement for Effective Law Enforcement [Video]

Diversity and Inclusion

How politics and policing link together is straightforward and meaningful.For example, politicians set the rule book for the police and decide whatpriorities and resources they should have. What politicians decide affects howthe police interact with the community, and how much they focus on diversity andinclusion.

This also affects how they work to keep us safe. Rules made by politiciansoutline what the police can and can’t do and holds them responsible for theiractions. Politics also shape the process of finding, training, and assigningpolice officers, which affects how they interact with people from differentbackgrounds. A good relationship between politics and policing is important forbuilding trust with the public, following the law, and addressing issues insociety while respecting people’s freedoms and rights.

Legal Framework and Legislation:Polity provides the basis for policing by creating statutes that determine the authority, scope, and limits of criminal justice departments. The …

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