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The importance of supporting veteran owned businesses [Video]

Black Entrepreneurs

RAPID CITY, S.D. (KOTA) – Veteran-owned businesses make up $1 trillion annually in the United States, making them a vital part of the economy. With Veterans Day right around the corner, supporting veteran business owners in the community is crucial.

Kyle Wolf, Owner and CEO of Black Hills Caregiving, cared for and aided his veteran grandfather for quite some time until he joined the military. After that his grandfather had to go into a nursing home and Wolf’s passion for in-home care was born.

“It’s important to support any locally owned business especially veterans to be able to provide and keep us afloat,” Wolf explained.

Black Hills Caregiving supports the community directly by providing in-home care to people in the Black Hills.

Businesses like Wolf’s are also eligible for support from the Small Business Administration. They provide training and grants to veterans looking to start a company to support them through that journey.

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