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Summer Nights will move to new location in downtown Rapid City [Video]

RAPID CITY, S.D. (KOTA) – Rapid City Council voted 10-0 in favor of Parks & Recreation working with Summer Nights concert series leadership to relocate concerts to a new location downtown. The decision comes with the stipulation that traffic won’t be closed down on Main Street or St. Joseph Street to accommodate future concerts.

The issue proved to be polarizing. Downtown business owners expressed varying views on Summer Nights’ economic impact.

“It’s good for downtown Rapid City,” Tinder Box Owner Chris Johnson said, “It’s good for the community. It’s good for tourism.”

AJ’s Wicked Salon & Spa Owner Miranda Papendick disagreed, explaining though she enjoyed Summer Nights, traffic disruptions negatively affected her business.

“I just wish it was on a street that wasn’t so busy when we already have parking issues,” Papendick said.

Prior to the council meeting, the issue of relocating Summer Nights sparked debates on social media. The …

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