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Study finds surgeries with more women in the room have better outcomes [Video]

Diversity and Inclusion

By Stephen Beech via SWNS

Hospital patients are less likely to die following an operation if there are more women on the surgical team, according to a new study.

The findings, published in the British Journal of Surgery, show that operations in hospitals with a higher number of female medics were more likely to be successful.

The Canadian study follows American research, published last month, showing that hospital patients treated by women doctors were less likely to die.

It is believed that in several industries – including finance, technology, education, and law – gender- and sex diversity is important not only for equity but also because it improves the performance of teams because members bring a variety of experiences and viewpoints to their jobs.

But, until now, there was little evidence for the value of teams’ sex diversity in healthcare.

Female doctors in operating rooms remain relatively rare with the number of female anaesthesiologists and

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