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Office of the Auditor General B.C. [Video]

Diversity and Inclusion

Sheila Dodds was appointed acting auditor general on September 12, 2024, effective November 15, 2024.

Previously, she held the deputy auditor general role, as appointed in August 2021. As part of that appointment, she was also named the Office of the Auditor General of B.C.’s first equity, diversity, and inclusion lead, responsible for leading the office in a modern, inclusive way that reflects the diversity of the province while delivering on the office’s commitments to the Legislative Assembly of B.C.

Sheila also spent time as an assistant auditor general for 10 years at the office – with responsibility, at different times, for performance audit, information technology audit, professional practices, legal, training and development, and critical audit support services.

Sheila has an extensive performance, financial and internal audit experience in the private and public sectors. She began her career with this office, and after obtaining her chartered accountant designation worked with …

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