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Little hands, big minds at kids-made craft fair [Video]

Black Entrepreneurs

RAPID CITY, S.D. (KOTA) – Nearly 45 vendors were selling their handmade goods at the Central States Fairgrounds on Saturday, but they weren’t your typical vendors. They were all kids ages five to 18.

It’s the first year for the Black Hills Kids-Made Market for young entrepreneurs to bring their products like jewelry, baked goods, plants, ornaments and more.

It all started because event organizer Trish Miller heard of a similar market in Marshall Minnesota that has a great turnout each year.

“I’ve just learned how many trades kids have that I think the community doesn’t realize what they’re doing and want to share that with the community. It gives kids an avenue to spread their skills, learn new skills and share it with the community too and make things available that wouldn’t have been available before,” Miller said.

Miller had a goal of 40 vendors for the market, and …

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