Latino Entrepreneurs

Latinos mean business in southern Utah [Video]

ST. GEORGE, Utah — A couple of weeks ago, a business owner in St. George came up with the idea of gathering local entrepreneurs together. He didn’t know how many would show up.

It turned out, it was a lot.

The Blues Katz Rock n Roll Grill was nearly filled to capacity with more than 120 people at the first gathering of the Southern Utah Latino Business Alliance. The group was the brainchild of Desai Madrigal, who hopes the group will expand opportunities and the impact of Lation-owned businesses in southern Utah.

Madrigal, who runs a home inspection business in Washington and Iron counties, saw the need for a Southern Utah Latino Business Alliance. About five weeks ago he got the idea and set the date for when local business owners would gather to launch it: August 22.

“I’m a firm believer of just having a set date and things will happen,” Madrigal said. “So we worked really hard to get …

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