Personal Finance

Joe Biden’s AbsolutionFrom Anita Hill to Kamala Harris | Opinion [Video]

If President Joe Biden owed Black women anything following the infamous Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas debacle 33 years ago, I think it’s fair to say he has paid his debt in full. Thanks to Biden, there is a strong chance that a woman of color will ascend to the U.S. presidency this fall.

When Biden recently bowed out of the presidential race and threw his full support to Vice President Kamala Harris, he did more than demonstrate his confidence in his VP; he threw down the gauntlet on America’s racial and gender divide. He has dared America to live up to its creed. And he has proven, once again, his respect and appreciation for accomplished women of color, and his willingness to position them in power.

Although 90 percent of African American women voters chose Biden in 2020, there had been a lingering hint of bitterness over how he failed to protect Professor Anita Hill during the brutal 1991Senate confirmation …

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