Diversity and Inclusion

Employer Considerations When Implementing DE&I Policies [Video]

By Catherine O’Flynn, Employment Law & Benefits Partner in Mason Hayes & Curran LLP

Substantive Equality

Despite legislative interventions such as the Employment Equality Act 1997 and Equal Status Act 2000, societal biases persist.

These biases continue to hamper the ability of marginalised groups to gain access to employment or advance their careers. 

Positive action, or Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) measures, can help to alleviate these structural disadvantages.

Employers should avoid viewing DE&I measures as just another hurdle. Tangible gains stand to be made from their proper implementation.

Recruitment – a more inclusive approach to recruitment will expand an employer’s pool of potential applicants.

This will ensure that any selection is made from the best possible candidates.

Retention – truly flexible and inclusive working arrangements capable of responding to workers’ needs can reduce turnover and training costs.

They can also minimise losses related to under-staffing or a lack of institutional knowledge.

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