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Descendants of Slaves Could Receive Priority College Admission [Video]

Diversity and Inclusion

A new bill introduced by California Assembly member Isaac Bryan aims to give descendants of slaves priority for admission to the University of California and California State University.

The proposed legislation, which Bryan, a Democrat representing Los Angeles, will present to the state legislature, seeks to address historical inequalities and promote restorative justice for African Americans in California.

The bill comes while lawmakers prepare for a new session amid growing concerns over potential challenges to diversity initiatives under the incoming Trump administration.

Support for Reparations and Rectifying Past Wrongs

Bryan expressed hope that the bill would pass, aligning with recommendations from California’s Black reparations task force. “We have a moral responsibility to do all we can to right those wrongs,” Bryan said.

He emphasized the need to address systemic injustices, noting that California had long provided preferential treatment in admissions to alumni children, often benefiting white and wealthy students while excluding those impacted by slavery and racial discrimination.

Assembly …

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