Title: CEO
Workplace: Wilmington Alliance
Alma Maters: Baruch College – CUNY, Columbia University, University of Pennsylvania
Boards: Philadelphia-Israel Chamber of Commerce, Gene & Genome Editing
Q&A: What was your first job? “I grew up partially on a family farm, so I worked since I was 6 but my first paid job was at age 16; summer camp leader at the middle school age boys scouting camp.”
The Wilmington Alliance focuses on creating a more inclusive and prosperous Wilmington for all residents and businesses. In 2019, the organization combined with the Wilmington Renaissance Corp. to form an allyship to support the city in ways unseen or before to support economic development efforts. As CEO of the Wilmington Alliance, Kowalczyk partners with various stakeholders to create programs and initiatives to address workforce development, entrepreneurship, placemaking and civic engagement in the city. Most recently, she and the Wilmington Alliance hosted the “Yes! …