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Baton Rouge Area Association of Black Journalists event to teach business owners about media access [Video]

Latino Entrepreneurs

BATON ROUGE, La. (BRPROUD) — The Baton Rouge Area Association of Black Journalists is hosting its annual Secrets to Accessing the Media event on Saturday, Nov. 9.

The purpose of this event is to help local business owners and people in the community understand how media works and how it can be used as a platform to help their initiative. At this one-day event, there will be panels on how to get your story idea on the news, how to conduct yourself during an interview and how to write a press release.

BRAABJ is a local National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) chapter. The goal of NABJ is to provide quality programs and services and advocate on behalf of Black journalists.

“One thing that we do besides empowering all journalists, but specifically journalists of color, we want to make sure there are platforms available to tell stories that are specific to the Black community. As well as making sure we’re …

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