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Building Cultures of Belonging with Tina Varughese [Video]

Diversity and Inclusion

As an expert in cross-cultural communication and diversity, Tina Varughese helps leaders build stronger organizations by embracing the principles of inclusive leadership. Her highly entertaining, interactive, and practical keynotes leave attendees inspired to think, behave, act, and communicate with intention — and she brought that same energy to her new book, 50 Shades of Beige: Building Bridges While Breaking Bias.

Through her new book, Tina’s brings candid and difficult discussions to the forefront, showing readers how to listen, understand, and appreciate difference, while gaining clarity about their own biases. She provides practical takeaways for implement effective DEI strategies and best practices to cultivate belonging within our workplaces and communities.

We recently sat down with Tina to discuss her new book, recommended strategies to cultivate belonging and build inclusive workplaces, and trends to watch within the realm of DEI.

Speakers Spotlight: What are some pivotal moments or experiences that shaped your understanding of belonging and inclusion? And how did they influence your book?
SpSp: Why is leadership instrumental when …

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