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Women’s Personal Financial Statement: 3 Major Rules to Learn for your Unique Financial Fingerprint [Video]

Personal Finance

Women’s Personal Financial Statement: 3 Major Rules to Learn for your Unique Financial Fingerprint

Women’s Personal Financial Statement Education… let’s dig in.

Ready to unlock your financial future? 🚀 👈 Sign up for my mini-course, The Secrets to Thriving and Creating Financial Wellness with Brooke Cianfichi, Founder of LegaSHE, also known as #BigSisFinance. The course is for anyone at any stage, from young to seasoned, from beginner to sophisticated Master of Finance. The course is designed to give you the 6 foundational psychological predictors of wellness, how to improve your financial confidence, and the 3 major financial concepts you must master for your Financial Wellness. I am an energetic teacher that uses PURE ACCEPTANCE of where you are in your journey to help you move from financial blocks to financial success.

Today, you are getting a walkthrough of the basic financial statement, with a New York City Finance spin. Brooke shows you how she creates a personal financial statement, or personal balance sheet, and gives you the 3 takeaways that will help you to view your PFS as your curated fingerprint, and why you should focus on the creation of income from your financial assets.

If you are searching for more world class free resources, you can sign up in under 30 seconds for the LegaSHE Financial Well Being Free guide. Simply scroll to the bottom of the LegaSHE site: 👈

Brooke has an MBA in Finance, an MA in Economics, and 20+ years of experience in the complex Finance world of New York City. She taught Finance at the university level. She built numerous Finance businesses, both in Debt AUM and Equity AUM. She recently left an EVP role at a major US Bank, where she created a Financial Innovation Office, from scratch, and was also responsible for the strategy of a $50 Billion real estate financing platform. She believes and teaches that life is best enjoyed with extreme CONTENTMENT, which is 100% our own individual responsibility because we are each an owner. She shows others the path to Financial Well Being.

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