Diversity and Inclusion

Webinar: Black Heritage Month – The New DEIB Mission: Guiding People Leaders on Building Community [Video]

Webinar: Black Heritage Month – The New DEIB Mission: Guiding People Leaders on Building Community

ThinkHuman is proud to partner with PowertoFly and Lever (an Employ Solution) for the webinar, The New DEIB Mission: Guiding People Leaders on Building Community.

On May 25th, 2020, George Floyd’s murder ignited a powerful movement. The Black community and their allies stood up and shouted loud and clear that they deserved to be seen. This set in motion a wave of commitments to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) and inspired ideas for fostering a more inclusive workplace.

Fast forward almost four years, and we’ve weathered economic downturns, the COVID-19 pandemic, and witnessed genocide. As we think about inclusion and culture in 2024, how do we want to continue to build and hold community? How can we do more with less?

We invite you to join in on the reflection and candid discussions about DEIB in 2024 so we can empower each other to set realistic goals and hold ourselves accountable to our vision. You’ll walk away with:

⚡ Strategies to pivot and align your goals against the progress you’ve made so far and the resources/capacity you have available today
⚡ Tips on building community & showcasing your commitment DEIB
⚡ Thinking outside of traditional measures to DEIB progress, pitfalls, and success


ThinkHuman empowers organizations and their people to pour their hearts into building something both awesome and meaningful. We know that magic happens when a good business model is brought to life by people whose integrity, focus on results, passion, and freedom is full throttle. We invite you to challenge, inspire, and support one another to succeed in a powerful way.

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