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Two-child Benefit cap leads to families missing out on thousands annually | Personal Finance | Finance [Video]

Personal Finance

The “two-child” benefit cap from the Department for Work and Pensions could lead to low-income families losing out on almost £2,000 a year, new research has found.

Non-profit organisation the Women’s Budget Group (WBG) released research that found a clampdown on the benefits system means that sole parents are losing out on an average of £6,992 annually, severely impacting recipients of Universal Credit.

The group’s research analyses the impact of benefit cuts since 2010 and forecasts to 2027/28 using data based on pre-election Government spending plans.

This benefits cut is equivalent to an 18 percent reduction in a claimant’s baseline income.

Families with three children face losing £5,962 in income on average and couples with children face losing an average of £2,262 per year compared to couples with no children.

An astonishing £1,838 of this loss comes from the loss of the “two-child” benefit cap specifically.

The cap was introduced by the Conservativesin …

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