Diversity and Inclusion

Seattle scholarship celebrates LGBTQ+ community [Video]

GSBA is Washington’s LGBTQ+ allied chamber of commerce and according to GSBA’s website, it is the largest of its kind in North America. The GSBA represents a coalition of small business, corporate, and nonprofit members who are dedicated to advancing workplace equality and diversity.

Throughout the year, GSBA scholars have access to several leadership development workshops and scholar community-building events, termed Leadership Academy. The cornerstone of the Leadership Academy is the annual Immersion Weekend.

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Scholars learn valuable leadership skills

In the first weekend of August, scholars engage in workshops facilitated by GSBA business members, former GSBA scholars, elected officials and other community leaders centered around developing and growing their personal, professional, and community leadership.

By participating in the GSBA Leadership Academy, scholars will define what leadership means to them, articulate their own strengths and seek out opportunities for personal and professional growth. They will also get the chance to describe …

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