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How to Build Generational Wealth – The Power of Family [Video]

Generational Wealth

How to Build Generational Wealth – The Power of Family

In a compelling sermon, Pastor Wallace presented some essential topics such as budgeting, saving, investing, and managing debt. The objective of this enlightening discourse was to impart practical tools and strategies to the congregation for building generational wealth and financial stability. Pastor Wallace underscored the value of prudent financial planning and encouraged the congregation to engage, ask questions, discuss their personal financial obstacles. The message was not restricted to financial theory but included a pathway for the individuals, providing a comprehensive roadmap to help them understand their financial goals and means to achieve them. It was emphasized that no matter what one’s marital status or familial situation is, financial knowledge and effective management skills are critical to accumulating generational wealth. Pastor’s sermon provided an expansive overview of financial management, making it an invaluable resource for everyone seeking financial security and prosperity.

00:00 – Pre-sermon
00:10 – The Coming of Age: Generational Wealth
00:34 – How to Build Generational Wealth
03:27 – Be Content With Your Money
04:25 – Tithing and the Wealth Map
08:59 – Prayer for Financial Freedom
09:45 – Family Money Mindsets
14:24 – What Makes a Kingdom Wealthful?
18:06 – Abraham and His Proposals
24:13 – Two Factors Impact Family Life in Israel
29:09 – The Moabite Gleaners
32:40 – Boaz and the Family
37:45 – Are You and Your fiance on the Same Financial Page?
41:53 – How to Have Difficult Conversations About Money
44:37 – Marriage Killers Money Practices
47:59 – How to Talk About Money in a Relationship
52:26 – No Money Talk In A Relationship
56:28 – How to Review Your Money Mindset
59:35 – Sign Up for the Debt Free Church Class
01:01:06 – Wills and Money for Funeral Planning, Dave Ramsey
01:04:00 – God’s Prayer for Money
01:09:51 – Post-sermon

Bible Center Church is a multigenerational and multicultural urban teaching church in Pittsburgh, who believe that the church is people and not a building, love is a verb and not a noun, and that God created us to make earth more like heaven. #BibleCenterChurch #BCPGH #HereLikeThere Visit our site for upcoming events and ways to stay connected: bcpgh.info GIVING: When we give a portion of what God has blessed us with, we can be a blessing to others. Your gift helps make our community more like heaven. We have several ways to give… Clover: app.clovergive.com/app/giving/clodo-biblecenterchurch Venmo: venmo.com/bcpgh You can also mail your gift to Bible Center’s administrative office at 7238 Fleury Way, Pittsburgh PA, 15208 —————–

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