Diversity and Inclusion

Black rodeo queen uses platform to open doors for young cowgirls [Video]

Ja’Dayia Kursh is quitting the chase of another rodeo crown to open doors into the Western industry for all.

FORT SMITH, Ark. — Arkansas’ first black rodeo queen is putting down her crown to focus on fostering diversity and inclusion in the Western industry.

Ja’Dayia Kursh became the first black rodeo queen in Arkansas after winning the 2017 Miss Rodeo Coal Hill of Arkansas.

“I was introduced to horses. When I was six years old, I was sexually assaulted and my mom put me in counseling,” Kursh said of her introduction.

Kursh credits her counselor for opening doors for her to gain strength out of trauma.

“She was like, ‘This is a 1500-pound animal. If you can control this horse, you can control anything that comes your way,'” Kursh said. “I always say that she introduced me to horses, and she sat me in a saddle and handed me the reins to …

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