Diversity and Inclusion

Bill to make sex ed more inclusive has Mass. lawmakers divided NBC Boston [Video]

With another Massachusetts legislative session came another attempt to cement the Healthy Youth Act into law.

Senate leadership brought the sexual education revamp to the floor on Thursday, aiming to create new teaching guidelines encompassing human anatomy, reproduction, the benefits of abstinence and information on LGBTQ+ identities and experiences.

“We’ve been fighting this battle to get it across the finish line,” said Se. Sal DiDomenico.

Proponents of the legislation have faced resistance from groups like the Massachusetts Family Institute.

“It’s really just a euphemism for sex ed that teaches kids are sexual from birth, have a right to sexual pleasure and that it’s normal for them to explore their sexuality,” argued Sam Whiting, an attorney for the Christian advocacy group.

Those behind the bill are quick to counter those claims.

“It doesn’t start off at 60 miles per hour in third grade,” said Rep. James O’Day, a Worcester Democrat. “They leave that part out, the …

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