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Unlock Startup Funding: Win $500 Grant To Launch Your Business Today! [Video]

Business Funding

Unlock Startup Funding: Win $500 Grant To Launch Your Business Today!

Join us for an exclusive opportunity to win a $500 Superior Startup Grant! Superior Shelbie is excited to announce a special raffle event with a total giveaway of $1,500, with $500 to be won in each of three vibrant cities: Miami, Tampa, and Atlanta.

### How to Participate:
To enter the raffle, participants have two options:
1. **Purchase a $200 In-Person Consultation:** Only 30 spots are available for this intensive session where you can gain invaluable insights to propel your business forward.
2. **Buy a $70 Dinner Ticket:** We have just 15 exclusive seats for a dinner where networking meets opportunity. The raffle will be hosted LIVE during the last 30 minutes of this event, creating a thrilling atmosphere as we draw the winner of the $500 grant.

### Increased Odds of Winning:
With limited entries due to the exclusive nature of the tickets, your chances of walking away with $500 to boost your startup are incredibly high!

### Event Highlights:
– **Live Raffle Draw:** Be part of the excitement with Superior Shelbie going live to announce the winners at the dinner.
– **No Refunds:** Please note that purchases are final and no refunds will be provided if you are not chosen as a winner.

### Special Offer for Grant Squad Members:
Members of the “Superior Grant Squad,” our esteemed grant writing community, enjoy a $20 discount on both the dinner ticket and the in-person consultation. It’s our way of saying thank you for your commitment to excellence in grant writing.

Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to advance your entrepreneurial journey with a significant financial boost. Secure your spot today and be in with a chance to win big while enjoying an evening of great food, insights, and community spirit!

Hey There Friend🤗 I’m so happy to invite you into my Superior Grant Squad! here is the link :

Want to book a zoom call with me ? use this link to book :

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