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20% of Colorado abortions are for Texas women [Video]

Personal Finance

Reproductive rights organizations in the Centennial State say that have seen a huge increase in women coming from Texas.

DALLAS — The joyful news Megan Bond had waited for years to hear was followed only months later by heartbreak. 

At 17 weeks, doctors told her the baby she and her husband had used IVF to conceive had a fatal abnormality. They said the diagnosis meant her baby boy would be born without lungs. 

“Carrying him to term would mean that he would live a very short life of pain,” Bond said. “I think — like any mother — I would do anything to protect my child from pain.”

So, Bond drove 12 hours to Denver to get an abortion — and became one of thousands of Texans leaving the Lone Star state to get procedure done. 

Data from the Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment showed that nearly …

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